Many people will offer you advice on which investments to buy. But there's more to your financial life than your RRSP. Estate taxes, income taxes and education funds for your children are just some of the other complex aspects of your total financial picture.
You need a Financial Advisor to help you develop an effective financial strategy.
Personal financial strategizing focuses on you as an individual – bringing together all the financial and psychological factors that have an impact on your life.
A well-designed financial strategy will help you reach your personal financial goals and objectives, and give you a greater sense of security.
Many people call themselves financial advisors, but the true professional financial practitioner uses the Complete Financial Needs Analysis, which is made up of six distinct steps.
Complete Financial Needs Analysis
How do you know if you need a Financial Advisor?
People hire financial advisors for many reasons. These questions may help you decide if you need professional financial advice.
- Do you have the time to attend to your personal financial affairs?
- Are you confused about conflicting financial advice from several sources?
- Do you feel you are paying too much tax?
- Are you confused about where to invest your money?
- Do you feel that you can't make ends meet?
- Do you feel that you can't save any money?
- Has there been a recent change in your life that could affect your financial future, such as retirement, job loss, an inheritance, an addition to your family, or loss of your spouse?